Who we are
Femaid is an independent and non-affiliated association, based in the Paris area which defends the rights and dignity of women and girls in war zones through educational and health projects. It was founded in 2001 by a teacher, a sociologist, a novelist and a journalist, all committed to women’s rights.
According to our registered statutes, our objective is to help women and children in armed conflicts by setting up projects with local grass-roots women’s associations.
We are committed to:
- Supporting morally and materially the victims of arbitrariness, intolerance, discrimination, injustice and cruelty in war, especially children and women in all countries undermined by war.
-Contributing to the rebuilding of schools, literacy, sports and artistic education in all countries affected by war
- Working with independent women's associations and participating in their medical and educational projects.
Our main goal is to promote the rights, health and dignity of women and children in countries affected by war and intolerance.
In brief:
Since 2001, (this makes 30 years in total, taking into account our previous association "Children of Bosnia" in Sarajevo and our beginnings in Afghanistan), we have been organizing projects with local women's associations, working directly in the countries concerned over long periods of time.
We also organize conferences in war zones:
FemAid continues the work of our previous charity, "Children of Bosnia", through which, from 1993 to 2000, we implemented projects in Sarajevo during the war against Bosnia, including convoys, assistance in the continuation of education and reconstruction of the school Skender Kulenovic in Dobrinja, a suburb of Sarajevo.
2001-2005 in Pakistan: school aid for Afghan and Pakistani children, aid for Afghan refugees in refugee camps, health programs.
2001-2012 in Afghanistan: among other things, scholarships, construction of the first children's library in Farah, support for schools.
Since 2010 in DR Congo: self-defense courses for schoolgirls in Bukavu (Eastern Congo), scholarships in Bukavu and Kisangani.
Since October 2021 in Afghanistan: support for secret girls’ schools.
Since March 2022 in Ukraine: support for victims of war rape and internal refugees (IDPs).

Our commitment in these places continues to this day as we believe in long-term engagement with those we work with.
We also help shorter projects: in Nepal, Iran, Senegal, Lebanon, Rojava, DRC.
Depending on the place, these include scholarships, help for school libraries, English courses, a donation of fruit trees to Senegalese villagers (a commemorative project), construction of a toilet facility for girls at the university of Kisangani (DRC), support to activists, exhibition of Palestinian artists and others.
And each project is monitored on site by FemAid's founder, Carol Mann.
contact: info@femaid.org
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100% of the moneys received go towards financing our projects
The story so far… completed projects